WORSHIP WITH US at Bayshore Fellowship!
Join us as Pastors’ Scott & Valeen Netzel
lead us in worship and honoring our God, exploring His Plans and Purposes for our lives.
* Come join us as we are lead into all truth with anointed teaching in the Holy Spirit*
* Come and we will learn to understand what the Word speaks to us as the church and as individuals!
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of the Lord. – Romans 12:2
Bayshore Fellowship an FCM Church:
Build, Train & Equip.
Build Up the Body.
Train Them to Maturity.
Equip Them to do the work of God on the earth.
Sunday Service begins promptly at 10:00 AM
Praise and Worship lead by the awesome Bayshore Fellowship Worship Team!
*Kid’s Church is available for Sunday services.
Come early and enjoy Bayshore Fellowship’s
Continental Breakfast and Fellowship at 9:00 AM.
** Remember the Bible Study Quiz. **
~ Based on our Daily Reading Calendar and Bible Study Lessons for the previous week.
* Ask an usher for your copy of the Bulletin.
Bayshore Fellowship Location:
827 US Hwy 9, Lanoka Harbor, NJ
(Check out the Map on the Locator App.)
Church Number: 609-891-5183 (Texting is available)